Welcome to First Lutheran Church Pipestone, MN
9:30 AM Sunday's
401 7th Avenue SW
Pipestone, MN 56164
Scroll down for copies of our Bulletins!
Contact the church office for more information!
If you have prayer concerns for our prayer chain, please contact Lori at the church office (825-5837)
On the Radio:
Tune in to 1050 am (KLOH, Pipestone) Sunday mornings at 10:30am to hear our radio replay of that day's service.
On Local Cable TV:
Our weekly service is broadcast on the Pipestone public access cable television channel 3:
NEW TIMES BEGINNING 5/1/2024 - Wednesday's at 12:30pm and 8:00pm.
(Please note this may change depending on City Council meetings falling on a holiday.)
Facebook Live
Our weekly service is broadcast on Facebook live:
Weekly Bulletin downloads are available below \/
We always love to have people who are willing to help with reading lessons or serving communion or are you a confirmation student who wants to acolyte? If you are interested in helping with reading lessons, serving communion, or acolyting - or if you just need to double-check what you signed up for and when, contact the church office via email at: office@firstlutheranpipestone.org OR give us a call at 507-825-5837. You can also click on the link below to get signed up for any of the above options or to check to see if you are signed up for anything in 2024. Reminders are sent via text messages and emails once you get signed up.
Worship: 2025- Lesson Readers, Acolytes & Communion Assistants